"*" indicates required fields

Please initial next to your choice below:*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
CM&F Liability Professional Information
Have you ever been indicted for, charged with, or convicted of, any act committed in violation of any law or ordinance other than traffic offenses?*
Have you ever had your hospital privileges, DEA license, healthcare license or reimbursement privileges, refused, denied, revoked, suspended, restricted, subject to a reprimand, placed on probation or voluntarily surrendered?*
Has any professional liability insurance company ever declined, refused, canceled or non-renewed your coverage?*
Have you ever been accused of sexual misconduct of any kind?*
Have you ever incurred or become aware of having a condition that impairs your ability to practice your medical specialty? (i.e. convulsive disorders, mental illness, multiple sclerosis, addiction to alcohol, narcotics or other controlled substances, etc).*
Loss Information
Are you now, or have you ever been, involved in a claim, or suit, arising out of the rendering or failure to render professional services, or related to any other coverage you are requesting from Medical Protective (e.g. CGL, EPLI, etc)?*
Are you aware of any complications, incident or adverse outcome resulting in injury or death that might reasonably result in a claim or suit against you? Amputation – Death – Loss of Vision – Permanent Neurological Injury*
In the last 12 months have your or anyone from your practice received a written request from an attorney for treatment records concerning any current or former patient(s) which might reasonably result in a claim or suit against you?*
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY
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